Tag Archives: hungry

Am I actually starving?


I heard a very thought provoking comment by nutrition expert Charlotte Gerson the other day. She said the reason why American’s have such a problem with obesity is because we are actually starving (starving for nutrients) and therefore continue to eat nutritionally worthless food to try to fill our hunger and in the end only gain weight while continue to become sick due to our nutritional deficiencies. What a concept! This resonated with me big time.

I feel like a bottomless pit sometimes. I can just eat and eat and eat and when I’m done gorging… I find myself in front of the refrigerator or the cupboard looking for more food. Since hearing this comment I have tried to be more conscientious about those times that I am a “bottomless pit” and see if there are any patterns. What I have discovered is that the days where I eat and eat and eat are always days in which I make bad food choices. For example, yesterday I slept in (Ty got up with Trev so I could) and started my day with coffee and a piece of brownie (I do make semi-healthy brownies but still!). Then I had a piece of seed bread with avocado. A few hours later I made grilled cheese and avocado sandwiches for Ty and I (also on seed bread). I also heated up some tomato soup. Then for dinner we got a pizza for take out: mushroom, green pepper, black olive, green olive, and tomatoes. We washed down the pizza with wine and then I polished off the ‘healthy’ brownies. YUCK!

In retrospect that was a horrible food day! The bread that we get is very healthy bread, the avocado is good for me, and all the veggies on the pizza are good until you mix them with cheese and more bread! Tomato soup from a can is horrible stuff… just tomato paste, high fructose corn syrup and some preservatives. My semi-healthy brownies are Ghirardelli dark chocolate brownie mixed with one can of pumpkin puree instead of the oil, egg, and water – so they have vegetable and nutrient content but they still aren’t good for me! Grilled cheese is a rare treat considering how not good for me it is. All in all, my day was nutritionally sad. So it stands to reason that despite all that food I still feel hungry and have somewhat of an insatiable appetite. My body didn’t get what it needed so it keeps sending me the hungry signal. I feel the munchie urge just as bad today as I did yesterday so I wonder if it carries over and creates a vicious cycle…? I am experimenting with this concept and choosing to eat nutritionally dense food all day in order to curb my urge.

I will let you know how it goes! In the meantime… is this concept as monumental to you as it was to me?
