Tag Archives: miracle

Documentary Obsession


So, it turns out I am obsessed with information. I have been a google junkie for a long time so that is nothing new. While I was pregnant with Trevor my husband would send me random texts that said… “stop googling” because it was a safe assumption that I was researching the latest thought that had crept into my mind about my unborn child. At night I have a hard time falling asleep because my mind races. Sometimes, in order to fall asleep, I will get out of bed and google what I am currently curious about, read up on it, and then go back to bed and fall sound asleep. Like my mind says “ah… curiousity fulfilled.”

Now, and with a thanks to my pastor’s wife, I am beginning to be obsessed with documentaries. Talk about a great way to learn A TON of information about just about anything. If you stream Netflix or have Netflix membership then documentaries are at your fingertips. Considering my fascination with health and diet my latest favorites are listed below:

The Gerson Miracle

The New Medicine

Dying to Have Known

The Beautiful Truth


Food, Inc.

The Medicated Child

Waiting for Superman

Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price


The Business of Being Born

Food Matters

In my queue are several more including a few National Geographics about the Human body, the Lee Strobel Case for Faith and Case for Christ ones, one about Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap, a few more food ones, another pregnancy one, one about the Chaplain of NYFD who died on 9/11… you get the picture. There are simply FASCINATING documentaries to watch. Unlike daytime TV they stretch your mind and teach you new things. I love them.

What are you watching?